Weapons Training
SnowTiger Combat has a weapons school, dedicated to training its students in all forms and types of weapons, whether armed or unarmed. While the SnowTiger art has been primarily focused on teaching assassins how to eliminate targets without weapons, the system has both direct lineage to historical weapons used in martial arts, and to modern weapons, used by U.S. special forces (both hand-wielded weaponry and firearms). These weapons include; combat knives, club, baton, walking stick, kukri knife, karambit, various types of swords, short stick, (jo-staff & escrima), bo-staff, specialty weapons, improvised weapons, pistol, shotgun, rifle, assault rifle, and more.
Our Grandmasters (current & past) including several of our senior instructors, have taught many law enforcement and military organizations, including various Special Forces, as well as several within the organization having worked for CIA, DHS and FBI SWAT.
Training with weapons at STCS is nothing like the flashy acrobatic weapon forms and choreographed sets you see in mainstream Kung Fu, Wushu, or other traditional martial arts that use weapons and practice forms that are traditional without application to modern combat scenarios. The weapons curriculum at STCS is a fully immersive traditional military training program with direct lineage to the battlefields of China, and application of weapons for true and actual combat. Additionally our special forces weaponry (combat knife, club/baton, firearms, and kukri) has been taught to our students since the mid 70's by our Grandmaster. Even in the current age of firearms, our weapons program teaches applicationare commonplace and their training in combat martial arts is a must, as most any man with intent to kill will pick up an object to use as a weapon.
Weapons Training Curriculum
Traditional Weapons
Specialty Weapons
Special Forces Weapons
Firearms Training
Throwing Weapons
Improvised Weapon Training
Short Stick
Walking Stick
Police Flashlight
Kukri Knife
Karambit Knife
Other weapons (household items)
Weapons Techniques & Forms
Knife Defense
Stick Defense
Gun Defense & Attack
Knife Defense & Attack
Stick Defense & Attack
Gun Defense & Retention
Flashlight Form
Knife Form Pt.1
Knife Form Pt. 2