the Animal Systems
of SnowTiger
The student of the Bull System mimics the animal’s behavior by charging, head forward, elbows piercing and rotating in circular motions. The techniques are unstoppable once allowed to begin and does not end until the opponent stops moving, in typical fashion, as does the Bull in the wild. MORE.....
The student of the Boar System is taught to use elbows, knees, the shin and the head to affect a brutal and violent attack that cannot be resisted. The Boar student never backs up or retreats. The practitioner will rush & execute a barrage of techniques, simply to hit you with that one kill shot...the elbow. MORE.....
The Eagle is a majestic animal. With its imposing wingspan and piercing talons, the Eagle’s techniques are debilitating and hard to counter as they spread out and violently slam into the opponent’s defenses. The Eagle practitioner is always confident in a latent ability to overcome the opponent with speed, skill, technique and power. MORE.....
A supple & rhythmic endurance fighter. The Python, fluent and strong, it will wrap your limbs, destroy your balance, and use crushing, gripping hand techniques. It likes to get in close and use grappling / throwing to bridge a takedown technique, then move to suffocation. With the Python, there’s always an auxiliary; if the opponent slips out of one grip, the Python specialist always has a backup already planned. A master technician, the Python practitioner is constantly thinking and looking for the opportunity of a definitive submission. MORE.....
The Tiger is skilled at close quarters [in-fighting], the Tiger specialists are known for their ripping and tearing techniques as the Tiger likes to maul the opponent and overpower him with a barrage of multiple strikes, both hands and feet. The Tiger System is a strong style (good for stockier, larger people, to use their strength) and attacks in a straight line, rarely ever retreating. It throws an opponent one direction, and then uses the opponent's momentum against him. MORE.....
The Leopard is quick and leaping, while it stands its ground with a stubborn defense, and counter attacks with unusual angles; known for its tremendous speed and cunning in battle. Unlike the Tiger that doesn't mind frontal attacks, the Leopard System specialist prefers to attack only when the odds are in his favor, preferring to lunge in with attacks, and then get clear before the retaliation. It uses an in-out attack strategy, incorporating quick body momentum to add power, while it uses its forearms, elbows & knees to strike. Its techniques are some of the most unique in the system, with curling strikes at unorthodox angles that double and are constantly covered by a shadow strike. MORE....
Not wanting direct contact (or the possibility of a brawl), the Cobra is instinctively quick & angular in the prosecution of technique and approaches attacking & defensive technique from the most obscure angels and body positions, relative to the opponent. The fastest of the animal systems, it is capable of striking and “injecting venom” at least six times within one second, ensuring that a ‘kill strike’ is hidden within at least one of the strike repertoire. MORE.....
A more linear striker than the Cobra, the Viper is a point to point fighter that tends to beat the opponent to the shot or strike directly off the block. As the proverbial counter striker, the Viper hits hard and fast, never wasting time with fancy techniques. It gets the job done quickly and moves on. By adopting the fluidity of the Viper allows the specialist to entwine with their opponents in defense and strike them from angles they wouldn't expect in offense. MORE.....
Moves like the wind. The Ghost is known for twirling & spinning motions, uses the momentum and whipping motion of the spin against the opponent. It uses movements and strikes from many other animals, and is difficult to predict. The Ghost of the SnowTiger is feared more than any other animal in the system as it pulls techniques from all the animal systems and delivers them in ways that can never be seen, predicted or detected. MORE.....